Welcome to my blog, Traveling & Tourism

Tuesday 1 May 2012


All tourism activities are related to one or more of the following dimensions of tourism.
Attractions: Atractions are the primary motivation for traveling. They may be a primary destination such as Disney World or secondary destination which are interesting places to visit on the way to your primary destination. Most tourist traveling from the east to go to Las Vegas will stopover at the Grand Canyon national Park on the way. Attractions usually focus on natural resources, culture, ethnicity or entertainment.

 Natural Resources: Natural resources are the combination of physical features , the climate , and the natural beauty of the area. The challenge to managing natural resources based tourism is to preserve the natural resource from the impact of the tourist's.

 Culture: A way of life which is observed through a peoples religion, history, government and traditions.

 Ethnicity: To visit family and friends.

 Entertainment: Tourism developments of all sizes from Disney World, Universal Studios, Las Vegas to local community Special Events and Festivals such as the Bloomsday Road Race in Spokane, Washington.

 X-treme Tourism: Tourism based on high adventure activities .

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